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Customer Feedback

In the spirit of creating a safe workplace for everyone member, please give us your honest opinion and feedback. This survey is 100% anonymous.

Ranking Q

Ranking Q

1. If you make a mistake on this team, it is often held against you

1. If you make a mistake on this team, it is often held against you
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree

2. Members of this team are able to bring up problems and tough issues

2. Members of this team are able to bring up problems and tough issues
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree

3. People on this team sometimes reject others for being different

3. People on this team sometimes reject others for being different
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree

4. It is safe to take a risk on this team

4. It is safe to take a risk on this team
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree

5. It is difficult to ask other members of this team for help

5. It is difficult to ask other members of this team for help
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree

6. No one on this team would deliberately act in a way that undermines my efforts

6. No one on this team would deliberately act in a way that undermines my efforts
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree

7. Working with members of this team, my unique skills and talents are valued and utilised

7. Working with members of this team, my unique skills and talents are valued and utilised
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree

Anything else you'd like to share with us?